Call out for Artists and Crafters for upcoming Exhibition: Flighting Sexism
Hey awesome arty and crafty people, we looking for 5-10 artists and crafts people to contribute work for our up coming exhibition, which includes a series of community based installations too. The theme is fighting sexism and the opening date is August 26th. Also, it would be awesome if you are willing to donate your work and any sales will go to Rape Crisis, though this is not mandatory to participate.
Ban 'AirNZ's Sexist Safety Video'
Art Exhibitions
We want to ban this video, which objectifies woman, is compulsory viewing and has made woman passengers and female flight staff uncomfortable. We know that media that objectifies woman supports Rape Culture. So to raise awareness we are organizing two art exhibitions, one in Auckland and one in Wellington. The Auckland one will be an installation of Air NZ flight masks (can be made ones) with messages of protest,embroidered, sewn, written, painted their message eg "Nothing Safe About AirNZ's Porn Vid" or "Not Safe In My Eyes", send the mask to, POBox 113-084, Newmarket 1149. Below is a pattern for the masks if you cannot source one.
You can also sign our petition by clicking here:
Adopt a Greyhound Bunting and Jacket Workshop
So we want to help rise awareness that there are lots of lovely greyhound dogs that need a home, as they are tossed aside and often killed by the racing industry once they are unable to compete.
So we want to make a bunting to spread the message to adopt a greyhound, by making a bunting with little greyhound faces in between the message.
As well we've been asked if we could make some winter jackets for the greyhounds, these can be knitted, crocheted or sewn. You can go wild make batman or super greyhound ones or snugly polka dot ones.
Come to our workshop or do with a group of you closest craft buddies and drop them off, or if not in Wellington send them in. Bring sewing and knitting equipment, and some vegan nibbles and koha if you can afford it.
Date: June 18th, Wednesday
Location: 128 Abel-Smith Street, Wellington
Time: 6.30-8.30
Knit for Neonates
This is not a Wellington Craftivist event, but please share with anyone you know who knits/crochets, even if they just wanna make us one square!
A Wellington Rape Crisis members only craft event
This is not a Wellington Craftivist event, but a cause we feel very strongly about, so you may want to take part.
The Wellington Rape Crisis team and supporters will be talking about the role craft can play in ending rape culture.
You’ll have the chance to make some awesome crafts with a message.
Refreshments provided and entertainment by Wellington poet Emma Barnes.
Register to attend by filling out the form or visit their websitewww.wellingtonrapecrisis.o
This event is free for members and associate members of Wellington Rape Crisis. You can join either online or at the door ($20 or $5 for high school students).
Pop-up Stitch N Bitch #3
Stitch N Bitch #2
Monday 20th Feb 2012, 5pm-8pm
128 Social Centre, 128 abel Smith St, Te Aro, Wellington
Back sooner by popular demand!
Bring Vegan nibbles to share, what ever you are working on, some crafty bits and bobs and your inspiration. We have heaps of fabric and wool and things to share. If you you think that you can't sew or knit or whatever- you can, you just haven't learnt yet! Come and make a patch for the Giant 'Occupy' Blanket or get into making some yarn bombing masterpieces!
We will be hitting the town afterwards to make it look pretty! So also bring anything you want to display and things to attach them with.
See you there!
Stitch N Bitch- 1st ever Meet Up
Stitch N Bitch #2
Monday 20th Feb 2012, 5pm-8pm
128 Social Centre, 128 abel Smith St, Te Aro, Wellington
Back sooner by popular demand!
Bring Vegan nibbles to share, what ever you are working on, some crafty bits and bobs and your inspiration. We have heaps of fabric and wool and things to share. If you you think that you can't sew or knit or whatever- you can, you just haven't learnt yet! Come and make a patch for the Giant 'Occupy' Blanket or get into making some yarn bombing masterpieces!
We will be hitting the town afterwards to make it look pretty! So also bring anything you want to display and things to attach them with.
See you there!
Monday 20th Feb 2012, 5pm-8pm
Stitch N Bitch- 1st ever Meet Up
Wellington Craftivism Collective will now be meeting on the 1st Monday of every month from 5-8pm (with a view for other meet-ups too).
Bring Vegan nibbles to share, what ever you are working on, some crafty bits and bobs and your inspiration. We have heaps of fabric and wool and things to share. If you you think that you can't sew or knit or whatever- you can, you just haven't learnt yet! Come and make a patch for the Giant 'Occupy' Blanket or get into making some yarn bombing masterpieces!
Everyone very welcome ♥
*Photo borrowed from the lovely Rayna at*
Occupy Your Ears CD Pre-Release Party and Patch Making Workshop
2-4.30pm, Sunday 29 January 2012
Boabab cafe and bar, 152 Riddiford st, Newtown, Wellington, New Zealand
We have brought together local New Zealand artist to create a series of compilation CD's to support the Occupation movement.
A patchwork of music that will accompany the Giant 'Occupy' Blanket on it's travels-
and facebook here
Bring your famliy or just yourself and have a dance to one of the five bands playing including "upper hutt possie"
We will also be holding a patch making workshop so here is your chance to make your mazing patch contribution!
Everybody welcome hope to see you there! ♥
Boabab cafe and bar, 152 Riddiford st, Newtown, Wellington, New Zealand
We have brought together local New Zealand artist to create a series of compilation CD's to support the Occupation movement.
A patchwork of music that will accompany the Giant 'Occupy' Blanket on it's travels-
A patchwork of music that will accompany the Giant 'Occupy' Blanket on it's travels-
and facebook here
Bring your famliy or just yourself and have a dance to one of the five bands playing including "upper hutt possie"
We will also be holding a patch making workshop so here is your chance to make your mazing patch contribution!
Everybody welcome hope to see you there! ♥
Wellington Craftivism stall at Freedom shop Huia Party
2-5pm, Saturday 25 December 2011
Oppurtunity for Animals, Newtown, Wellington, New Zealand
Wellington Craftivism Collective will be having a stall at Freedom Shops Huia Book party at Opportunity for Animals, Newtown, Wellington.
Come and Check out Freedom Shops new Maori and Pacific Island themed books, our very own 'Crafti-ZINE' and a very special Zine that features us all the way from New York!
Come and see the evolving blanket, make a patch and sample some of our Freegan, Vegan and Gluten Free cupcakes made by our expert team of bakers!
Take a look at the Freedom Shop event on Facebook here
See you there!
Patch Making Workshop at DIY Occupy Wellington
1-4pm 11th December 2011, Occupy Wellington, Civic Square
Wellington Craftivism Collective are pleased to confirm that we will be holding a Patch Making Workshop for our
Giant 'Occupy' Patchwork Blanket from 12-4pm!
Come down for all kinds of activities in Civic Square this Sunday 11th December. There will be workshops and talks about how the DIY ethos is transforming our world for the better. The real free trade market will be on as always: bring anything you'd like to give away or trade - clothes, plants, food, artwork, mixtapes, whatever. Bring a plate if you'd like to share in the potluck lunch. We'll have a kids zone set up so you can unleash them on us for the day while you enjoy the talks and workshops. And of course we'll round the day out with lots of sweet local music.
There is plenty of space for more workshops so get in touch if you'd like to contribute: for more details.
Confirmed Schedule (stay tuned for more to be added soon)
* 1-4pm: Craftivism Collective Patch Making Workshop
* 10.30am: Beat Roots drumming and percussion circle
* 11.00am: My Mihi - with Seth and Liz
* 12:00am: Round House Building - with Bomun Bock-Chung
* from 1pm on: Bike repair - with Allan
* 1:30pm: Local Food Resilience - with Fredd
* 2:00pm: presentation on Pedal Powered Generators- with Robin
* 2:30pm: Practical and Creative Carpentry - with Darcy
* 3:30pm: presentation on Maker Movement- with RichB & RichF
* 4:30pm: Reusable Moon Pads
* 5:00pm: Music
Craft-a-Patch Giant 'Occupy' Blanket Project
12 November- 31 January 2012, Worldwide
Wellington Craftivism Collective is Creating a giant handmade patchwork blanket to show support and solidarity for the Occupy Movement and in conjunction with Buy Nothing Day.
We invite people from all over the world to submit patches to us by mail, these patches will then be lovingly crafted together to form our united blanket.
We have plans for the blanket to then travel around the world to different Occupy locations where workshops will be held and people invited to add patches to the blanket. Once the blanket returns to Wellington it will be showcased in an exhibition
All patches need to be 20cm x 20cm’s (please leave a 1cm border blank around the edge to give us space to sew them together with out loosing any of your beautiful designs). The patch can be made in any fabric based medium- cross stitch, knitted, crocheted, embroidered, fabric paints, felt… go get creative!
This is your chance to make a statement, use your square to convey how you think the world could be a better place.
Postage address for worldwide patches is 7/b Blucher Ave, Newtown, Wellington, New Zealand.
Please invite your friends to take part!
Craft-a-Patch Giant 'Occupy' Blanket Project
2pm, Sunday 27 November 2011, Wellington, New Zealand
Wellington Craftivism Collective is Creating a giant handmade patchwork blanket to show support and solidarity for the Occupy Movement and in conjunction with Buy Nothing Day.
Come along for a day of Patch Making Workshopping goodness at
2pm Sunday 27th November
at 128 Abel Smith St (Social Centre), Te Aro, Wellington.
As part of the Craft-a-Patch 'Giant 'Occupy' Blanket Project we will be making patches to contribute. We will be teaching how to screen print designs, cross stitch and knit. Bring scraps of fabrics (Patches will be 20cm x 20cm ), your skills to share and inspiration!
Vegan cakes and nibbles would be received gratefully!
Please share this event with crafty friends.
Some of our beautiful and musically gifted
collective members have been inspired by our Giant 'Occupy' blanket to create a sound track to travel with it!
As we are creating a patchwork blanket in Solidairty for the Occupy Movement, this compilation of protest music will be a tapestry of amazing and inspirational tunes.
If you are musically minded and would like to share a piece of your own music with the world or contribute how ever you can then please contact us and get involved!
There will be a series of CD's so if you don't have anything ready right now but would like to compose a track especially then you have time to do so.
A meeting will be held to talk about the music cd's on Thursday 24th November from 1-3pm, at 128 Abel Smith St Wellington.
You can Rsvp to it here